a simple & fun DIY arrangement

Everyone loves a good DIY, and this is a simple arrangement that anyone can put together using a combination of flowers from the flower mart (or your local grocery store) and ferns from your backyard (or your neighbor's yard - we won't tell...)
We used the following ingredients in this arrangement:
                                                     ~ (1) fun vase
                                                     ~ (1) bunch of white sweet peas
                                                     ~ (5) stems of white ranunculus
                                                     ~ (6) stems of safari sunset
                                                     ~ (5) stems of leather fern
                                                     ~ (5) stems of sword fern
                                                     ~ A few salal leaves
Tip #1:  Always try to use the freshest flowers you can find to maximize vase life.  Pass on even the prettiest flowers if you see any moldy leaves on stems.
 We started out by creating a "grid" using the stems of the ferns - you can also achieve this by taping a grid on the vase (may be easier for beginners to hold stems in place).  Fun greenery is so "in" right now and you can use so many different types to create depth and texture and then add your favorite color for a bang!  
  Next, we used the safari sunset to create our shape.  We then filled in with the white sweet peas to create a full, whimsical element.
To finish, we added the white ranunculus, filling in any holes and making the arrangement pop.
Tip #2: Cut stems at an angle to create most surface space to absorb fresh water.
Tip #3:  Look at the arrangement from all angles to make sure there are no "holes" if so, simply add a bloom to fill.  If this is a one-sided arrangement, cluster all your blooms in front, so you don't waste them in the "back" if they will be unseen against a wall. 

Most importantly, have fun with it!!!
Thank you Emily for a fun day at the studio and these great pictures!